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Hello peeps! welcome to nur syazwani saffa's oficially blog~

December 6, 2012


In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

hang out with girlfrends at sunway pyramid, and a boy of Miera's. first, we had our lunch at chicken rice shoooop, *bukan sekadar nasi ayam

we had a great time together. we watched The Life of Pi. not an apple pie that we used to eat kayhhh. tapi kita terlambat beberapa minit :P

then, we met bom and the gang! Bella and i joined them playing while Miera and her's shopppping!

so tired and so bored, lepas game kitorang pergi McD just for lepak2 je. while than, ape lagiii cam_whoring with Bella lahh

tiba-tiba ternampak ice-skate. waaa, sorry babe i can't play you. maybe next time. i really miss skating *sebenarnye rindu nak jatuh2 banyak kali hahaha 

before balik: oke then sunway, thanks for the memory :))