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Hello peeps! welcome to nur syazwani saffa's oficially blog~

January 25, 2012

something special today??

make way please. i wanna tell you a story..
* serius lah ni.. ada apa2 yang special ke pada tanggal 25 Januari? 
isn't she's beautiful?? (blue pashmina)
*no she isn't.. :b (jeles lah tew)

yeah.. my best friend's BIRTHDAY. her name is Erma Syahera and this year, she's 17.even she's quite small in sizes, but she's the oldest. (HAHAHA) Erma, wish you having a meaning life this year. i'll always pray the best for you. Good Luck old lady :)

i still can remember the first day we met. 
build a "gang" when we were form 2.
playing stupid face to face thingy.
that time, i'm not a good friend to you.
but we still kept in touch and when in Taiping..
we get through thick and thin together.
you and i become closer (i think) 
beacause we both get in the same stupid club *hahaha
cita2 Erma nak jadi photogarpher (:
aku doa kanEma.. ahaks!

i know, Allah knows the best. 
He planned everything nice.
the nice thing that He ever planned is..
the day i met you :)
ice-skate again?? *jom..