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October 8, 2011

results doesn't appears as my happiness

make way please. i wanna tell you a story..
last week was ujian selaras.so that's mean aku dah dapat result.HAHAHA memang gempak pun result aku kan? i'm just wondering, "ape dosa aku?"
aku dah struggle habisss baik! stay up malam2, tak tido la. bancuh kopi. but i hav learnt to be thankful and be patient. semua yang Allah bagi ni, ade hikmahnye. Thanks to my classmate yang selalu bagi kata-kata semangat kat aku. sem-2 ni, aku nak dapat 3.5 and above. although with my result yang teruk ni, yang agak mustahil nak kejar 3.5, with the time that only left 3 weeks. OMG. please lah ya Allah, kuat kan semangat aku, rajin kan aku. ber double2 rajin.ber double2 pandai. insyaallah, amiin..

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