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Hello peeps! welcome to nur syazwani saffa's oficially blog~

January 3, 2010


jst read it!! u wll knw about ma lfe!!
now is 7.. something! smua preparation da lnkap kot. sbb pukul 7.30 nanti da nak brtolak. hmmm.. i'm gonna miss balqis yang penting. nanti aku mesti tringat masa aku mandikan dia. and.. i'll miss kakak too. maybe nanti aku teringat story2 yang aku bebel dengan kakak. da la tadi aku tak salam dia. lagi satu,maybe tht she angry at me. sbb, i took her si***.(the word cannot be showed.) da la.. aku harap tht kakak tak marah sangat dekat aku.. or i will go in UNPEACE!!.. haha.. i love them all. i will study and get strait A's just for them..

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